Since Nixon declared and war on cancer in the 70's the American Cancer Society has billions of dollars to find a cure.
The question is, is the American Cancer Society interested in the "cure" or are they more interested in job security and keeping the profit wheels turning for the pharmaceutical and medical industry in America?
Recently there have been several solid studies that suggest vitamin D actually LOWERS your risk of getting cancer. So convincing are these studies that the Canadian Health Authorities have actually recommended people increase their vitaman D levels. What's the best way to do that? Sunshine of course.
You would think the American Cancer Society would rejoice over these findings but sadly this is not the case. In fact The ACS has a long track record of stomping out anything free and natural that could help the body avoid cancer altogether.
The truth is the less sun you get the higher your chance of developing cancer. This does not mean you should overexpose yourself because too much may be worse than too little.
It has been proven that prudent sun exposure is good for you and reduces your risk for cancer but instead of informing people of this, the ACS would rather have you slathered head to toe in sunscreens of which often have cancer causing ingredients in them!
Why is this? The sunscreen industry is very lucrative, as usual in America all you have to is follow the money.
The article below is a perfect example of this.
A sunscreen maker producing an ad designed to frighten you into wearing sunscreen disguising it a public service announcement from the ACS.
Doctors Balk at Cancer Ad, Citing Lack of Evidence
Published: July 10, 2007
The young woman in the American Cancer Society advertisement holds up a photograph of a smiling blonde. “My sister accidentally killed herself. She died of skin
cancer,” reads the headline...