The Fundamental Principles of the Ancient Americans
It’s funny how we perceive things as being truth.
Often I see the issues I love to share here on Kahunka like positive thinking and spirituality referred to as “new age” thinking when actually I think as a society we have it all backwards.
It is actually the recent mainstream religions that have popped up in the last few thousand or so years that should be coined as “new” thinking, not the age old principles that are interwoven directly into the very fabric of our lives.
On the home page of Quantum Health and Fitness I mention how modern quantum physics is starting to show how the ancient cultures just may have had a better understanding of life than we do now.
One such culture was the Amerindians who appear to have shared many of the same teachings as the shamans of ancient Europe as well as other shamanic cultures around the world.

No matter which part of the earth you choose, when you go back through the ages, back to a time when it is believed humans were more in touch with their spirituality due to a more highly developed sixth sense, you’ll see that the beliefs held then have much in common to the “new age” thinking of today.
I recently came across a very enlightening book.
Earth Medicine written by Ken Meadows is a 300 + page book that covers in great detail many of the medicine or “energy” teachings of the American Indians. While I have not tackled the whole thing yet, I wanted to share some or what I’ve learned because the teachings of the of the Amerindians strikingly similar to what I share here on Kahunka.
The following are eight principles taken from the book the Amerindians considered fundamental to life.
Do they seem familiar?
1. The Principle of Mentalism
All is mind. The universe is mental. Everything you see around you is solidified thought. Every man-made object is the result of thought. Matter and energy are different expressions of thought – one manifest and the other unmanifest.
2. The Principle of Similarities
Mind – whether manifest or unmanifest – is constructed of circles within spiraling circles and parallel spheres. So what is Within is mirrored Without. If one sequence is known on one Circle, another sequence of a similar type in a parallel sphere bears a proportional resemblance to it. In some philosophical schools of thought this is known as the Law of Correspondences.
3. The Principle of Rhythm and Vibrations
Everything vibrates. Everything flows in and out and pulsates. The pendulum swing manifests in everything – the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left, and the rhythm compensates. The atom is vibration. Thought is vibration. Change your mood or mental state and you change you personal vibration.
4. The Principle of Polarity
Everything is dual. Everything has polarity, and its pair of opposites. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. Everything is a yang or yin and has its masculine or feminine principle. Gender manifests on all planes. Conflicts are clashes of opposites. They can be resolved by bringing the opposites together to form a harmony, and Earth Medicine shows how this can be done. Otherwise, the opposite is repressed by the other and this dominance adds to conflict.
5. The Principle of Connections
Everything in existence is an energy-system within a greater energy-system and compromises whirling and dancing groups of interpenetrating energy forms. Individual manifestations, whether human, animal, vegetable, mineral, or celestial are thus connected like strands of a spider’s web.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect
Every cause has an effect. Every effect has its cause. There are many planes of causation, and everything happens according to law. Chance is the name of a law not yet recognized.
7. The Principle of Frequencies
Every individual is a set of personal frequencies. Everyone and everything has a personal vibratory pattern that is unique. Each pattern is different from all others, just as fingerprints are not matched by any other person. Earth Medicine provides knowledge of some of the frequencies that are shared with others so they can be made use of to discover others. These frequencies are called totems.
8. The Principle of Self-Realization
You are not your body. You only use your body during this Earth life because it is the most suitable vehicle for the Earth environment and for this lifetime.
You are not your mind. Your mind is used to think and feel and to evaluate impressions reached through the physical senses and to discern physical reality.

You are the one who does the thinking. You are the one who chooses what to think. You are the watcher within. You can think and with your thoughts you can create. You create through the power of the mind.
You are not matter at all, but spirit which is eternal and does not suffer death, only transformation.
May the great Wakan-Tanka be strong in you,