Saturday, August 12, 2006
Reverse Hair Loss - How I Did It
Reverse Hair Loss - How I Did It!

I believe most guys can really reverse hair loss and grow a healthy thick head of hair.

  1. Watch how you talk to your self
  2. Visualization is key
  3. Unclogging the follicles
  4. Stimulate your follicles
  5. Feed your follicles
  6. Snooze or lose
  7. Can you say Dihydrotestosterone?

Putting it all together

I'll never forget the day me and a friend where walking down the street when he glanced over and noticed me fidgeting with my hair and said...

"If you comb it to the side, it will help make your hair look fuller."

That little remark thrust a sword right through my already weakened hair ego and being just twenty-two, I had enough issues to deal with already without having to worry about going bald.

I mean bald is beautiful on many guys but if I want to be bald I want the choice whether to shave my head or not.

I researched as much as I could find online about hair loss and by using a certain type of shampoo I discovered of which I reveal below, I stopped my hair loss and now have a thick, full head of hair I occasionally let grow down to my shoulders.

I'm confident the Michael's Commandments for Hair Growth will work for you but here are some things to consider...

  • Your hair did not start falling out overnight and it is going to take some time to reverse this condition, be prepared to give the program six months to see results.
  • This program is for guys with thinning hair not for bald guys or guys with bald spots.

Do not put off taking action to prevent your hair loss. The longer you wait the harder it will be to reverse the thinning process.

While some cases of hair loss can be attributed to more serious health conditions which are touched on at the end of this article, most otherwise healthy people should be able to see positive results if they faithfully adhere to the guidelines set forth below.

Obviously there is no guarantee but following these recommendations will help create optimal conditions for you to grow a healthy full head of hair.

Michael's commandments for healthy hair growth.

1) Be aware of how you "talk" to yourself.

If your thoughts are always "my hair is falling out faster and faster" or "I'm going to be bald before I'm thirty," then guess what? You are going to get what you ask for.

"I have healthy hair that grows quickly"

Remember that on the quantum level your thoughts are very powerful tools, in fact they are the second step in the process that creates everything in your world that you are consciously aware of.

Simply put, once you understand how thoughts affect your physiology, you'd know that...

It will be very difficult to have a healthy head of hair when you are constantly telling yourself how much your hair is falling out.

This may be difficult to do in the beginning when you constantly see hairs in the bathroom sink but it may be the most important thing you can do if you truly desire to reverse your hair loss.

In the beginning these new thoughts may not have belief attached to them but that is alright.

It's common knowledge that if you keep telling yourself something long enough you'll start to believe it and...

What you continually put your attention to grows, so...

2) Visualize your hair growing.

The new thought.. "I have healthy hair that grows quickly" will slowly attract like energy to manifest itself and pretty soon you'll start seeing evidence that will transform that thought into a belief.

The single most important thing you can do to reverse your hair loss is to CHANGE THE WAY YOU TALK TO YOURSELF ABOUT IT and then go from there.

For a deeper study of why this is so important go check out the mind over muscle page.

Telling yourself "I have healthy hair that grows quickly" with conviction will cause you to give attention to that thought in turn attracting similar thoughts (energy) that will assist in bringing about the manifestation of your desire, to have healthy hair that grows quickly.

Giving attention to this thought will compel you to follow through with the rest of these recommendations.

It is very important you grasp this first concept and practice it faithfully.

The first two commandments are the most important of all. They lay the foundation for which the other commandments are built and is what separates my hair loss reversal program from all the others on the internet.

3) Unclog your hair follicles.

Stop using commercial store-bought shampoos and start using a scalp cleansing type of shampoo.

As the hair shaft grows and "pushes" it way up out of the follicle which is basically one of thousands and thousands of little holes in your head, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume you would want to keep all of those little holes unclogged so the hair shaft has an easy path to follow?

Hair growth is a complex cycle that has many contributing factors.

Simply put, the hair shaft is born, grows, dies, falls out and repeats the cycle over and over again. When you are young this is generally a vigorous cycle and the hair shaft has plenty of power to push its way through the follicle.

As we age however this process loses efficiency with one of the primary reasons being when the hair shaft falls out, before the new hair has a chance to grow and sprout out of the follicle, the follicle gets clogged or partially clogged making it very difficult for that new hair to grow.

Hair loss is normal and part of the hair cycle but when new hairs have a hard time replacing hairs that have fallen out, your hair will thin out.

It is very important to keep all those little holes in your head cleaned out and healthy which will in turn provide a optimum environment for vigorous hair growth.

So what is clogging your hair follicles?

The main culprits are...

1) Sebum

2) Your own hair products

Sebum is natural oil that is produced by the sebaceous gland and is meant to lubricate the hair shaft on it's journey out of the hair follicle.

This is a good thing.

The problem is that for hereditary reasons and such some of us have an overactive production of sebum that can actually CLOG the hair follicles.

I have a good friend who has experienced thinning hair recently.

One day I noticed him rubbing something on his hair. Come to find out it was a wax stick used for sculpting "spikey" hairstyles.

Now if the wax is strong enough to keep bunches of hair in place, what effect do you think it would have if it gets on the scalp and clogs the hair follicles?

If this product is applied frequently, imagine the uphill battle that tiny little hair has to "dig" its way out.

Same goes for mousse, gel, hair sprays, commercial shampoos, conditioners and so on.

People are constantly putting products on their scalp that can potentially clog the follicles.

If you are applying styling products to your hair (and unavoidably your scalp) then what you need to do is STOP...that is, if you want to reverse your hair loss bad enough and provide an optimal growth environment for your hair.

So how do you clean your scalp?

There are a wide variety of scalp cleansing shampoos on the market today to choose from.

I believe that a scalp cleansing shampoo was the major contributing factor to my experience in reversing hair loss.

This is the shampoo I've been using for years and continue to faithfully order every few months.

This dandruff shampoo is gaining popularity very quickly in the reverse-hair-loss community because it not only cleans the sebum and other gunk from your scalp but it also appears to control DHT (see below) as an added side effect.

To summarize, STOP clogging your follicles with gunk and start using a quality scalp cleansing shampoo that will create an optimal environment for hair growth.

4) Stimulate your follicles.

Stimulating the hair follicles through scalp exercise and massage will increase blood flow to the follicles and supply needed nutrients necessary for vigorous hair growth.

If you look to the graphic to the right you'll notice that each and every follicle is fed nutrients via an artery.

It only makes sense that if you feed your hair roots a rich supply of nutrients they will have a better chance for optimal growth.

Scalp Massage

I do this every morning in the shower when I am washing my hair. The best way I've found to properly stimulate your follicles with massage is to move the scalp back and forth over the skull, not by rubbing your fingers across scalp.

Take both hands and place your fingers on both sides of your scalp just above your ears.

Without sliding your fingers up the scalp, push your scalp UP so that it bunches up on the top of your head. Now pull it back down again.

Continue doing this while changing the position of your fingers at various locations around your head.

The thing to remember is that you are moving the scalp across the scull "bunching" it up at different areas all over your head.

Don't be gentle. Your scalp will love the extra attention (thought) you are giving it. Use fast brisk motions while at the same time visualize nutrients being feed to your hair roots. THINK about how much this is going to help your hair growth.

Do this EVERY TIME you shampoo your hair at least for a few minutes and of course the longer the better depending upon your schedule.

Don't just RUB shampoo on your hair and rinse it off again. Make it a point to massage your scalp.

Do this and you will notice a immediate difference. Your hair will have more life and spring to it with results becoming more noticeable over time.

You can do this massage anywhere at anytime you feel like it not just in the shower.

Scalp Exercise

This is not a procedure I used to stop my hair loss because it basically does the same thing as the massage described above. Many people report great results from doing scalp exercises so I've decided to add it here.

When you exercise your scalp, you are moving the scalp over the top of your skull like the massage with the difference being that you are using the occipitalis muscles at the back of your head to accomplish this instead of your fingers.

To summarize, you should increase the blood flow to your scalp every single day for at LEAST several minutes while you VISUALIZE fresh life-promoting nutrients flowing to your hair roots, nourishing them for optimal growth!!

And remember, do not dismiss this mind-body connection as hocus pocus! There is a growing mountain of evidence that suggests a direct link between the two.

5) Feed Your Follicles

Your hair follicles are in constant need of quality nutrients in order to produce hair. It is essential to healthy hair growth that you adopt a healthy hair promoting diet.

If you've investigated the "energy" section you'll already know that everything is energy.

Countless "types" of energies make up our world and everything in it.

While an apple is an energy source we can say promotes life energy for humans, a riverbed rock does not. How long would you live eating rocks off the riverbed?

At the very core both objects are flashing packets of energy surrounded by huge spaces (zero point field) but obviously the energy formation that "makes up" the apple is very different than that which makes up the river rock.

I'm going to present a different way for you to look at what you eat and how it affects not only your hair, but your entire body. Then you'll be given a list of the best whole foods you can eat to promote healthy hair growth.

Think about hair growth on a quantum level.

Since energy seeks out and attracts like energy and our hair is made up of energy that is alive and expands (grows), it only makes sense that we want to provide this energy with like energy so can flourish and "grow."

The food we eat is energy so it only makes sense that for optimal hair growth we should eat food that contains energy that will "seek out" and find our hair energy thus combining with it causing it to grow stronger.

At quantum levels hair is flashing packets of energy behaving in a way that causes it to become matter and eventually hair the way we see it growing out the top of our heads.

In the case of hair, the matter that this energy "forms into" is mostly protein with some fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

So if you want your hair to grow, you need to supply it with "like" energy.

The energy that eventually forms into your hair and sprouts from the top of your head will find this energy you are providing it and combine with it causing optimal conditions for expansion (growth).

The substances that contain the energy your hair is "looking for" are as listed below. Try and incorporate as many of these wholesome foods into your diet as possible. The more "nutritious energy" you can feed your hair, the better your results will be.

Drink lots of WATER.

Water is the most important item you can consume. Not only does water flush out impurities from your system but also is responsible for transporting nutrients to every cell in your body.

Before anything else, you should be drinking between eight and ten glasses of water each day.

Highlighted foods appear in several categories.

Eat protein rich foods.

Hair is about 97% protein and a diet lacking in protein can cause weak hair, slow growth and generally cause it to look lifeless.

Eggs (egg whites)
Soy protein

Go for the GOOD FATS.

Olive oil
Safflower oil
Canola oil
Flaxseed oil (great source of all of the omega oils)

Foods with Biotin (vitamin H)

Whole grains
Brown rice
Brewers yeast
Egg yolks
Kidney and liver

Foods with vitamin A

Sweet potatoes
Squash (yellow vegetables)

Food with the vitamin B' s -

Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine Folic acid, B12, Panthothenic Acid and Biotin (often referred to as vitamin H but part of the B complex group).

Green vegetables
Sunflower seeds

Foods with vitamin C

Oranges / lemons / limes
Brussel sprouts
Red Peppers

Foods with vitamin E

Whole grain and nuts
Dark green vegetables
Wheat Germ

Foods with Iron

Meat and poultry
Whole grains
Leafy green vegetables

Foods with Silica

Leafy green vegetables

Foods with zinc

Whole grains
Diary products

Foods with magnesium

Whole grains
Leafy Green vegetables

The best way for you to get the nutrients your follicles need is to eat the natural foods that contain them.

However we all know sometimes that is not easy to do. There is a product that I've been taking now for several years that I believe has done much for my health and my hair.

It's called the Ultimate Meal and it is available at most health food stores.

Supplements I take for healthy hair are:

MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane)
Saw Palmetto
Sockeye salmon oil capsules

Do a Google search to find out why these particular substances may have a benefit for your hair growth.

In summary your follicles are like tiny "hair factories" that are in constant need of quality nutrients to produce a quality product we see as healthy hair.

Raw and whole foods are nutritious sources of vibrant energy that fuel your follicles and help them produce quality thick hair.

On the other hand processed foods that are high in animal fats, sugar, salt, hydrogenated oils and so on are "dead" food and not only will not supply needed nutrients to your hair but will in fact rob your system of the nutrition it needs to grow hair.

Think about this next time you are chowing down on a large French fry and drinking a sugary cola drink.

If you want to save your hair and reverse your hair loss, you cannot keep eating garbage food, no matter how good it tastes.

Remember the old saying...

Garbage in, garbage out.

If you are tired of your hair looking like garbage, quit eating garbage.

6) Get plenty of sleep.

Your body regenerates during the deepest stages of sleep and is the time youth promoting hormones like DHEA and HGH are released.

Meditation during the day can help make up for lost sleep at night.

7) Control Dihydrotestosterone

There is a type of androgen (hormone) produced in your body that is widely believed to be a chief factor in hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone or "DHT" is thought to attach to the follicles causing them to shrink and reduce the duration of the hairs growth phase resulting progressively smaller, finer hairs until eventually growth stops completely.

What causes this to happen?

It is believed that DHT is one of the androgens responsible for the stimulation of adrenaline that occurs when we are in heightened state of excitement and/or are STRESSED out.

Maybe this is why stress can contribute to hair loss.

There are many products now on the market that address the DHT issue but I am going to provide a few low cost options that may help in this area

* STOP STRESSING OUT all the time.

* The dandruff shampoo NIZORAL appears to have a weak side effect of keeping DHT from attaching to the hair follicle. The shampoo comes in a non-prescription 1% formula available over the counter and a stronger 2% formula available without a prescription through a variety of online pharmacies. If you have hair loss, it might be worth your while to get a bottle of this cheap shampoo and use it a few times a week.

*Saw Palmetto is believed to help prevent DHT from binding to the follicle. This common herb can be found at any health food store.

If you have hair loss, consider incorporating one or all of these low cost DHT blockers into your daily routine.

And there you have it!!

For most people, following these guidelines will result in healthier, fuller hair in just a few months time.

Some other less common reasons for hair loss

Thyroid disorders
Some prescription medications
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Hormonal changes

Putting it all together

There is so much evidence available today confirming the mind-body connection that it would be foolish to completely discount this phenomenon.

Your thoughts have a powerful effect on the overall health of your body and your hair. Stop telling yourself your hair is falling out or what poor condition your hair may be in. Start messaging your scalp every day and in a week start to look for even the slightest sign your hair loss is reversing.

If you look hard enough, you'll find it. Build on this. Tell yourself how your hair loss is starting to reverse and make a commitment to follow the steps in this program.

Remember that your body is constantly renewing and as such needs a constant supply of quality nutrients to use as building blocks.

In summary:
  1. FOCUS your thoughts and attention to reversing your hair loss
  2. Visualize yourself with a healthy head of hair
  3. Stimulate your follicles with message and scalp exercises
  4. Give your body quality nutrients to work with
  5. Get plenty of sleep
  6. Control Dihydrotestosterone
If you have found something that helped you re-grow your hair, please let me know about it so I can possibly share it!

Michael :o)