Sunday, July 29, 2007
Bone-Loss Deception, Denial And Betrayal

Have you seen the latest "Actonel" TV commercial? They show a simple cartoon depicting the human spine as being "protected" by a vigilant Actonel which stops these *bad* cells inexplicably attacking the spinal column like little "dive-bombers"! The commercial says these are the cells that "Cause" Osteoporosis (OP).

WOW! Talk about going around your back-side to get to your elbow... in order to "muddy the water" enough to make a half-truth sound like the "truth," too. Ironically, this is because there ARE specialized cells to remove old bone and these can cause a reduction in bone-density (B-D)... so, a dishonest sociopath could, with a contrived and canted cartoon, make it look like these cells are the "cause" of OP... but they're not... not anymore than a gun is the "cause" of a particular death - no, the guy pulling the trigger is the CAUSE of death, remember....READ ON>>>>

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