Are Toxins Slowing Your Muscle Growth?
Hey Buddy, you are full of TOXINS...
...and chances are high that
You have over a pound of parasites eating away on your insides right now!!
OK I know that sounds gross but let's face it...
To achieve optimal health and fitness you have got to eliminate the toxins that are poisoning you and the pathogens that are using your body as their buffet.
You suffer from...
* Low energy
* Inability to gain lean mass or loose your spare tire
* Poor skin, hair and nails
* Depression
* Constipation
Before your body can absorb the nutrients efficiently it has got be free of the toxins and pathogens that are draining the life out of it.
If you are working out hard and cannot gain muscle, it is possible this is one reason why.
Toxins enter your body through your mouth, eyes, ears, nose and skin. Today we also have toxins in the form of electromagnetic energies that permeate our bodies disrupting our natural energy patterns.
Pathogens are organisms like worms, unfriendly bacteria and other types of parasites that feed and live off of you, the host.
When you have a large amount of toxins poisoning you and parasites feeding off of you, it is not possible for your body to function at an optimal state.
Toxins and pathogens DRAIN THE LIFE from you.
As you sit at your computer reading this, as unpleasant as it may be, you can be assured there is some degree of toxins and some amount of parasites in your body right now zapping your energy levels.
At quantum levels we are energy but a little farther up the matter ladder the human body is really a collection of gazillions of living organisms the sum of which eventually make up who we are.
On this level your cells are trying to divide and grow and live in peace, so to speak. Toxic substances mutate and kill cells or just prevent them from dividing in a YOUTHFUL vigorous manner.
And to be blunt, parasites are eating you, literally.
It is a constant war at this level and one that most folks usually end up loosing in the long run.
So what exactly is poisoning us and what is eating us and how can we prevent this from happening?
Glad you asked!!
I realize that we do not live in caves and some of these suggestions may not seem practical but what you have to realize is that in America we live in a highly commercialized society.
Corporations have one goal and that is to MAKE MONEY.
You have got to understand that the big food companies are constantly thinking of ways to:
* Make you hungrier so you'll buy more food
* Make you thirstier so you'll drink more sodas
* Make you addicted to their products
Hard to believe?
Why do you think Coca Cola is named Coca Cola? Because until sometime in the1920's it had cocaine in it!
Food companies are much sneakier these days and thanks to powerful lobbyists and greedy politicians, thousands of chemicals are allowed into our foods that DO NOT have to be put on the label.
Thank about that next time you are reading the label on the fat free chips.
Here's a list of items that that bad for your health. When your body is busy all the time fighting the effects of the items listed here, it makes it much more difficult to grow muscle, heal from injuries and sickness and in general function at an optimum level.
Prescription and non-prescription drugs are poison and will make you sick and eventually even kill you - Hard to believe? Every year over 100,000 people DIE from drugs prescribed to them by their doctor!! You go on one drug to treat an illness that probably could have been prevented if your doctor was more concerned about teaching health and nutrition instead of dispensing expensive drugs. One drug creates side effects that needs another drug to correct. It's a vicious and very profitable cycle and it will eventually rob you of your health and wellness.
Self Inoculation - The primary way toxins and pathogens enter your body is through your mouth. Sticking your fingers for any reason such as trying to pluck that lodged piece of chicken from between your teeth or biting your nails into is the best and most effective way to introduce all of the cultures you have picked up on your hands throughout the day into your body.
Same goes for your nose.
Thoroughly wash fruits and veggies before eating them.
Remember this. Your mouth is a super highway to the inside of you. Sticking your fingers and other objects into your mouth can leave a host of different types of pathogens and toxins that your immune system has got to deal with. And your immune system gets overloaded with all of the worms and unfriendly bacteria that move in and take residence inside of you.
Don't Ever Drink Tap Water - Tap water has fluoride and chlorine in it which are two proven poisons. Think about this. If chlorine is added to pools to KILL the microorganisms and you are a big giant collection of microorganisms, do you think the stuff is good for you to drink? Water is so important I've devoted a whole page to it.
Don't smoke - I know, that's obvious.
The good life-giving energy in food is scrambled and turned into "dead" energy when food is cooked in a microwave.
Don't eat sugar or high fructose corn syrup and do not consume sugar substitutes like aspartame and saccharin -- The only thing thing worse than white table sugar is the man made artificial sweeteners which are proven to be toxic to humans -- do a Google search on this to find plenty of information.
Do not eat anything with hydrogenated fats and commercially prepared oils - which is just about everything stuffed into a box these days.
Homogenization and pasteurization KILLS the beneficial qualities of dairy foods and is bad for your arteries. When you consume dairy, and milk is a favorite of mine, you are consuming trace amounts of hormones and antibiotics that where given to the cows. From their body into yours.
Stay away from bleached white flour because it is stripped of all goodness and causes a whole host of health problems.
Stop drinking soft drinks - Colas are full of sugar and even worse diet colas have artificial sweeteners in them. Colas turn you body acidic which is the unhealthy state disease thrives in.
In other words...
If man made it, don't eat it - Try to eat organic foods as much as possible.
Avoid eating foods cooked at high heats - Raw or as close to raw as possible is the healthiest.
If you can smell it, it is entering your body - Avoid breathing paint fumes, air fresheners, gasoline and other toxic substances.
Remove all of the metal from your mouth - This is another example of us trusting our doctors and paying for it down the road. If you have metal fillings of any kind they are probably leaching into your blood and making you sick. This is another great subject for you to research if you have doubts.

The Aluminum in deodorant is a deadly toxin and is absorbed through your skin - Seek natural alternatives.
Minimize exposure to hair dryers, electric shavers and so on because they emit unnatural electromagnetic fields that disrupt your own natural energy fields.
And while on the subject of BAD energy...
Don't stand in front of your microwave while it is operating because if the door seal is bad it could leak enough radiation to penetrate clear through you.
Use an earpiece for your cell phone and try to minimize exposure to cell phone radiation
Make it a habit to become consciously aware of these items and attempt to avoid as much as possible the things that are making you sick.
Michael :o)