Eating Raw Living Foods For Health and Beauty
Why eating RAW living foods will have a dramatic impact on your health, vitality and BEAUTY!!
Friends I believe one of the most powerful changes you can make to daily routine is to start making a conscience effort to incorporate more and more living foods into your diet while cutting back on cooked foods.
Growing up in today's modern society we tend to believe that eating cooked or processed foods is completely normal and bears no negative consequence to our health and vitality.
Nothing could be further from reality.
I agree people are living longer today but being alive and living are two different things.
More than ever there is an epidemic of fat unhealthy people who only live longer because the very same corporate machine that feeds them unhealthy foods profits again by selling them drugs and medical procedures that would not be needed if more people just realized and ACTED on the information that I'm sharing with you here.
We are energy.
A little higher up on the matter ladder we are a collection of gazillions of individual life forms known as our cells.
I know this is well known to any six grader but sometimes we have to look at stuff in a simple way for it to make the most impact.
When you look in the mirror what looks back is the result of the hard work of the 100 trillion or so cells that make you, you.
All of your cells come from pre-existing cells, in other words new cells are born out of existing cells.
Your cells ARE the engines of your life.
When we are young, our cells are vigorous and split forming exact replicas of themselves but as we age our cells tire and the new cells are not perfect copies which results in the "signs of aging."
Why do our cells stop working at optimal levels?
The foods we eat.
There are a variety of circumstances that cause aging but DIET IS A HUGE FACTOR!
One of many cellular functions is to take in organic matter (food) so mitochondria can convert the energy to ATP through the oxidative phosphorylation process.
In other words your cells are the engines of your life and these engines are FUELED by the FOOD YOU EAT.
Like a race car engine, feed your engines top quality fuel and you will get top quality performance. Feed your engines poor quality fuel and you will end up losing the race.
What is the best fuel you can supply your cells with?
Living raw foods.
Today food is more abundant and convenient than ever and people are eating more of it but because our engines cannot use most of this worthless fuel most of it goes right to the love handles.
People are eating more but starving nutritionally and aging in the process.
Cells thrive on a good balance of healthy fats, quality carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
For the purpose of this article we are not going to discuss why cooked and/or processed foods lack one or many of these vital ingredients because there is another component of life junk foods lack that has an even greater effect on your health and wellness.
Cells are the engines of your life and enzymes are the catalyst of it.
"Enzymes are the catalysts of every chemical reaction in our bodies. Without them, there can be no cellular division, immune system functioning, energy production nor brain activity. No vitamins or hormones can do their work without enzymes...
...More importantly, it has been demonstrated that our bodies produce a finite lifetime supply of enzymes. Every cooked meal we eat causes enzyme production that draws on our finite reserve. A living food meal does not cause this drain.
This can help us understand why an 85 year old has only 1/30 the enzyme activity level of an 18 year old. Aging is really nothing more than running out of enzymes. Cells stop dividing, our immune system fails to handle challenges it managed easily when we were younger.
Our enzyme reserve is depleted over a lifetime of eating cooked food. In 1930, Dr. Paul Kouchakoff found that when we eat cooked food, our bodies attack it with leukocytes, the white blood cells that are the cornerstone of our immune system. These cells bring enzymes to the cooked food in an attempt to break it down and get rid of it.
Our bodies actually treat cooked food as a foreign invader.
No leukocytes are produced when living food is eaten. It is a tremendous burden on our body to produce digestive enzymes and leukocytes." - Source
It's still debated about how much enzymes from living foods are able to be utilized by the body but one thing is certain, when you eat living foods your body's finite supply of enzymes is not called upon to digest it like it is when you eat cooked, dead foods.
Cooking kills the beneficial enzymes in food.
"When the body is given and abundance of enzymes through Living Foods, the body can stop exhausting its own supply of enzymes for the sole purpose of digestion of food. The body’s enzymes can now break down the excess fat, protein and clogged arteries and therefore have remarkable results for overweight people.
It is thrilling to see what enzymes can do and how they can bring about perfect physical and mental health to us. They are the real life-givers and the link to the source of life-giving energy, which we need for survival." - Source
Here's a quantum reason living foods are so powerful in supporting our health and wellness.
"Say that we consume some broccoli. When we digest it, it is metabolized into carbon dioxide and water, plus the light stored from the sun and present in photosynthesis. We extract the carbon dioxide and eliminate the water, but the light, an electromagnetic wave, must get stored. When taken in by the body the energy of these photons dissipates so that it is eventually distributed over the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies, from lowest to highest. This energy becomes the driving force for all the molecules in our body." - The Field - The quest for the secret force in the universe page 43.
If you cut a piece of recently harvested fruit or vegetable and put it under a microscope, you'd see immediately it is very much alive with energy not much unlike ours.
When you eat fresh living foods you fuel your body with living energy.
Eating living foods means having a raw food diet.
This diet is gaining wide acceptance as more nutritionally educated individuals discover that the degenerative illnesses associated with prolonged consumption of a cooked, processed, dead food diet can be alleviated by "going raw."
I dance in the camp that believes the raw diet is what humans are still intended to eat however I have not gone completely raw myself.
I do, however, consume plenty of living foods through the veggie-fruit shakes I blend and drink at least a couple times a day.
I realize it is asking a lot to say you should not eat cooked foods but consider at least:
- Not eating burnt char grilled flesh
- Cutting back on cooked meats as much as possible
- Using a enzyme supplement
- Trying to eat organic as much as you can afford it
- Eating a variety of raw foods every day
Consider blending a veggie shake like the one I talk about in this video. Since I've been drinking these shakes I have noticed a big difference in my skin, hair and the amount of energy I have especially right after I drink it.
My recipe uses:
- Spinach - Small handful - I know, not very scientific...LOL...
- Broccoli - 1/4 of one bunch each shake
- Carrots - Two
- Apple - One
- Add water to allow for desired consistency
You can also add two scoops of the Ultimate Meal but this is optional.
I put in a lot of broccoli and spinach simply because these life giving foods have so many healthful benefits.
I know apples and carrots have sugar but I think the health benefits of both outweigh the fact they have natural sugar and they make my shake taste great, no broccoli taste at all!!!
SummaryLiving foods have living energy.
As much as possible, cut back on dead cooked and processed foods and attempt to incorporate living foods into your diet.
Yours in health,
Michael :o)