This is simply because I don't believe you can have a well rounded health and fitness site without including this aspect.
You cannot just focus on your body and expect to achieve optimal health and fitness because you are NOT your body.
The body is a tool used by the "real non-physical you" to experience this physical dimension through its five senses and for some people, six senses.
Without going too far down this path I just want to say that many people make the mistake of believing that they are in fact what they see in the mirror and that that entity is in responsible for the creation of their life, happiness and so on.
The "real you" is the spirit, soul or energy being that inhabits your body. This is the source of thought, desires, intention, will and the creative power that has great control over the trillions of individual life forms that are all working together to make up your physical body.
You are a collection of trillions of individual life forms. When your cells feel good, you feel good. When your cells get sick you get sick.
How you see yourself, how you see the world, what you think about life, how you respond to circumstances that may arise in your life and so on all affect these trillions of individual life forms that make up what you see in the mirror.
This brings us to the whole point of this post.
To build muscle, lose weight or however you want to transform your body starts with the "real you."
You have to align your desires (real you) and beliefs (real you) with your thoughts (real you) to get the best results (body).
As you can see from my picture above I have lost quite a bit of muscle (almost 20 pounds) during the almost two months I have not been working out.
My body is a combination of roughly 70% ectomorph and 30% mesomorph so while building muscle for me is not as hard as it would be if I where a pure ectomorph, it still comes with a challenge.
Since I am going to be concentrating my thoughts on packing some muscle back on I will be working more on adding content to my muscle page.
Here are few posts you might get some good ideas from...
How to start toward having the body you've always desired.
Mind really is over muscle - Your body hears every word you say.
Workout Words - Follow the advice in this article and increase the intensity of your workouts tenfold- I do!