Thursday, September 28, 2006
Michael's top 4 worst foods for the human body
Michael's "Cut the big bad 4" diet.

Sometimes on MySpace and other online communities people ask me what I eat to keep my body the way it is and generally the following is my response.

I don't think it is even as much about what to eat that may be as important as what NOT to eat.

If you are out of shape and are looking for a way to get started back on the track to health consider starting with only cutting the following items from your diet.

In other words if you are confused about what or what not to eat for health, if the food you are considering has any of the following ingredients, don't eat it....OK, OK I know that will be tough but at least try to cut them out as much as possible.

Michael's top 4 worst foods for the human body:

  • White sugar and anything with "ose" in it like fructose, sucrose etc.
  • White Flour and any products with white flour in them
  • Trans fats and anything that contains them
  • Hydrogenated fats and anything that contains them
As much as possible, keep these ingredients from entering your body.