Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Want a six-pack? Cut the White Devils from your diet!!
One of the questions I am asked the most is how I get my body to look lean and my abs to show. The answer is not an easy one because everyone is different and because of this not all approaches work for everyone.

If you are out of shape and are looking for a place to start consider in the beginning just doing this one simple thing.

Doing this one thing just for a few weeks will have you losing weight and feeling better just in time for the next step.

Cut the white devils from your diet...white sugar and processed white bleached flour products.

I know this sounds simplistic but it is easier said than done simply because these two villains are practically everywhere in the foods we eat. Look at labels because sugar comes disguised as:

  • Sucrose

  • Fructose

  • Corn syrup

All the latest "fad" diets would have you believe carbs are bad which is not true at all but for the purpose of this first step toward a healthy lean body what you need to do is avoid all foods that contain bleached white flour, enriched flour or just white flour.

The more you are able to cut these white devils from your diet the faster you will be on track to having the body you desire.