Saturday, August 12, 2006
A Powerful Anti-Aging Secret
A Powerful Anti-Aging Secret

One of the single most powerful things you can do to preserve your youth and vitality and reverse the signs of age.

There are many factors involved that may dictate the length and quality of one's life such as genetics, lifestyle factors, diet and so on but one single mechanism stands out as being the leader for putting you on the fast track to old age.

Discover one of the most powerful age accelerators known

There's no doubt you've been told what you are about to read but I urge you to take a closer look because out of all of the conditions that can send you to old age, this probably in the pole position.

Please read this quote a few times and really think about what is saying. Dr. Selye is considered one of the most authoritative persons on the subject.

"Every stress leaves an indelible scar, and the organism pays for it's survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older" - Dr. Hans Selye - Renowned stress researcher and author of The Stress of Life

Stress is one of the fastest age-accelerating mechanisms known.

Stress is an unavoidable part of life and unfortunately creates a whole list of conditions that cause you to age a few of which are:

  • Releasing the "fight or flight" hormones cortisol and adrenaline both of which when are constantly released into the body cause a whole host of aging related problems.
  • Diminishing your supply of the beneficial youth hormones like DHEA

Cortisol and adrenaline have their place in the survival mechanism because they put you in a heightened state of alertness in threatening situations but your body is not designed to handle this state constantly. It's like driving your car full throttle all of the time. You are eventually going to crash and in the meantime wear the mechanical parts in the car out much faster.

The point to remember is that GOOD stress or BAD stress, if you are constantly in a heightened state of alertness from stress you are on the fast track to old age.

A tale of two hormones.

Cortisol and DHEA are both produced by the adrenal glands but have completely different effects on your body.

In stressful conditions cortisol is released and the production of DHEA is inhibited.

Cortisol is the accelerated-aging hormone which promotes conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hardening of the arteries and depression of your immune system. The more cortisol you have the more susceptible to depression and disease you become.

DHEA on the other hand is considered a youth promoting hormone and one of the "master" hormones because it is a base ingredient in many of them.

Some of the benefits have been shown to include:

  • Increases lean muscle and helps keep the waist slim
  • Protects against age-accelerating hormones like cortisol
  • Can have a positive effect on you mood
  • Maintain youthful collagen levels in the skin
  • Have a positive effect on the immune system

In a youthful healthy body DHEA is released to counter the effect of cortisol but as we age DHEA production gradually declines and eventually the DHEA levels are not high enough to offset the damaging effects of the cortisol and the aging process accelerates.

Every time you have some degree of stress in your life, it is possible you are inviting to the same degree the following conditions into your life - THINK ABOUT THIS.

1. Anxiety and irritability
2. Insomnia
3. Depression
4. Wrinkled skin
5. Graying of the hair
6. Diminished energy
7. Weight gain
8. Cancer
9. Heart disease
10. Diabetes
11. High blood pressure
12. Infection and difficulty in healing from infections
13. Other types of disease brought on by diminished immune capability
14. Memory and cognitive function impairment
15. Diminished production of youth promoting hormones like HGH and DHEA
16. It lowers your vibration which in turn lower the overall quality of your life.

Is the stress in your life worth all of that?

One of the key things to remember about stress is that it is always internal not external. We create stress within ourselves by how we interpret external events.

You might interpret the bulldog across the street from your house as a threat and as such when you are close to it, you feel stress. Your boyfriend on the other hand grew up around dogs and does not feel threatened by the menacing-looking dog so when he is in close proximity to the dog, he feels no stress whatsoever.

See how the same external situation ( the dog ) causes two completely different reactions. One person feels stress, releases cortisol, adrenaline and so on and the other releases pleasure endorphins.

In a sense one grows a little older and the other a little younger.

Admittedly this is a highly simplistic example BUT when you think about it, you tell yourself how you should feel about everything.

Two different people might interpret long bank lines or heavy traffic completely differently.

If you are feeling stress all the time it is time you reevaluate HOW you evaluate the circumstances in your life that are causing these feelings of stress.
Reverse Aging With Meditation

While stress is considered an age-accelerator, meditation may be the most powerful technique known for slowing and even reversing the effects of time.

Just an hour of effective mediation in the delta state can create an array of youth promoting benefits for your body like the natural release of human growth hormone (HGH).

It is also believed that when in this lowest brainwave state you open a direct connection to your higher consciousness through the zero point field.

Meditation is not just for lonely monks on a mountaintop anymore.

In the old days it took months and even years to develop the skill needed to obtain the benefits derived from meditating in the lowest brainwave states.

Not anymore.

Do a Google search to fin out more about the benefits of meditation.

Michael :o)