Hair Today and Hair Tomorrow - Conquering Hair Loss
I just got back from getting my hair cut. Here I am hitting 40 and sporting a, well, rather dorky looking Beatles type of a mop top hair doo but I know with a little more patience it will grow out to the length I want it.
The barber was shocked to see a bunch of new hairs growing out from the back of my head, an area which has fairly dense hair to begin with.
The only reason I can attribute to this new growth is that I have been more actively messaging my head in the shower lately, just like I describe in my original hair reverse article.
Anyways, the point of this post is to express my views on hair loss and thinning hair and some of my beliefs surrounding the issue.
A long, long time ago when I was not much more than twenty years old, my hair started to thin out until at one point a friend told me to "comb it to the side and it will look fuller." Well I wanted to cry that day and to make a long story short I started looking into why my hair was falling at such a tender young age.
If you've read my disclaimer, and you should because it is an eye-opening page, you'll know that I don't claim to be a medical authority of any kind but I have lived on earth now for forty years and have actively sought health and fitness knowledge for the last twenty that I can use in my life.
In my opinion much of the mainstream hair-loss cures "endorsed" by the medical establishment is a crock of crud and here's why.
I cringe every time I hear a radio commecial in my area stating flat out that "pills and potions don't work" and you should come and see us so we can cut follicles from one part of your scalp and put them in another.
I do not deny that there are plenty of "hair growth" scams out there.
I also don't discredit that fact that hair transplant surgery may work but to flat out tell people that "our option is your only hope" when that is not true at all should be a crime.
Same with the prescription potions that once you start taking, you have to remain taking for life otherwise your hair starts falling out even faster.
Ads for these products claim that they are the only ones "approved" by the FDA and lead on to make you think every other protocol is quackery.
All one has to do is investigate the 3-way relationship between the FDA, medical industry and the pharmaceutical industry to see why as a society we believe that there is just nothing you can do about thinning hair unless you use some "approved" drug or surgical procedure.
My personal experience with this leads me to believe that is simply not true.
I personally reversed my hair loss and I know others who have done so as well by doing one or more of the following
1) Changing the way I think about hair loss
2) Messaging and giving attention to your scalp - frequently
3) Keeping the follicles clean
4) Diet
5) Sleep
6) Controlling DHT
These are all more detailed in another article.
The point is while I do not claim using my approach will help everyone, I do believe if you still have hair, that is you are not bald yet, then focusing on as many of the items mentioned above MAY just work for you as well.
All I can say is I sure am glad I took my own initiative and reversed my hair-loss instead doing something I know now would not have been in my best interest.