Seems the entrepreneurial folks at Reliant Pharmaceuticals have managed to get their fish oil product approved as a drug by the FDA claiming they have a special process that produces a purer more potent version of the regular stuff.
According to the article “Fish Oil Now Available By Prescription” in the September edition of the Life Extension Foundation Magazine, about the only difference between fish oil supplements and the approved new prescription fish oil drug is that “you’d need five or six ordinary fish oil capsules to get the same benefit as four of the prescription only version.”
Oh and I almost forgot, the prescription version sells for about NINE times that of the regular stuff.
When asked on the companies web site about taking the already proven lower cost fish oil supplements, this is their response…
“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved nonprescription, dietary supplement omega-3s for the treatment of any specific disease or medical condition, like very high triglyceride levels. Dietary supplement omega-3, or so called fish oil, is not a substitute for prescription OMACOR because they are not bioequivalent.” - Source -
People that have been taking fish oil, including myself already know the benefits this supplement offers but now that it is a drug, doctors can recommend it to patients without risking jail time and at $230+ per bottle there will be plenty of profit to go around.