Kahunka is going to be a video video blog when she grows up however making quality health and fitness videos is not easy. Since I've been back from vacation I've been transferring my web sites (currently 5) to Blogger with the hopes that updating, formating and so on will be easier giving me more free time to work on the videos.
Now I am getting to the point that I can start getting creative with Kahunka and do some cool videos.

I've taken all the old "practice" videos offline except for
Kahunka in the Kitchen "Living Foods 4 Beauty."This video had a great run on Veoh for awhile clocking almost 20,000 hits in just under a few months until I decided to remove it.
REVVER video producers have the opportunity to make a few cents when someone clicks the ad at the end of the video.
If you post videos online, I suggest checking out revver and if you make health, fitness, muscle or spiritual stuff let me know so I can add them to the new version of
KahunkaVision I'm working on.
You'll notice in this video I'm talking to another camera of which I the footage did not turn out very well due to lighting reasons but I thought the video got the point across so I decided to post it anyway.
This article is somewhat of a extended transcript of the video and goes into more detail.
More and better videos coming soon,