Why should you believe anything that I say?
Health and fitness information is not something you should take at face value.
There is only one statement on this entire site that I claim to be the absolute truth...
You should question everything until you are satisfied with the answers and do not take anything you are told at face value.
This includes everything I'm sharing with you at Quantum Health and Fitness and Kahunka.
Everything on this site is just my opinion.
"Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"- Democritus of Abdera
I am not a...
Quantum Physicist
Martha Stewart
Or anything of the sort.
I am a guy with a passion for this subject and a love of reading and researching.
I'm a truth seeker and IN MY OPINION the information I am sharing with you here is the truth based on things like:
My upbringing
My life experiences
My formal and informal education
My intuition
And, among many, many others, the following books:
The Field - Lynn McTaggert
Molecules of Emotion - Candice Pert, PhD
Happy Pocketful of Money - David Cameron
The way of QiGong - Kenneth S. Cohen
Various books and seminars given by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Energy Medicine - Donna Eden
A Practical Guide To Vibrational Medicine - Richard Gerber M.D.
Fantastic Voyage - Ray Kurzweil
Gray's Anatomy - Henry Gray
Ask and It Is Given - Jerry and Esther Hicks
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman
The Life Extension Revolution - Philip L. Miller, M.D.
In my opinion these sources are all credible and have decided to accept much of their "teachings" as my truth in this matter.
Remember my friend...
Question everything but rule out nothing.
Health and fitness has been a passion of mine for nearly two decades and during that time I've come to realize there is a lot of disinformation in America today.
And it comes from the very groups that would have you believe their way of thinking is the only correct one.
What I've personally discovered over the course of the past fifteen + years would shock and sadden most Americans, that is if they would take enough time away from the soap opera and/or the ball game to just listen.
When it comes to health and nutrition information the American public is one of the most censored societies in the world.
In America we have been brainwashed into the belief that the only credible source of health and nutrition information is medical doctors and the American Medical Association.
But the FACT is history has demonstrated over and over that the "proven credible scientific evidence" of the orthodox medical establishment has been completely WRONG time and time again.
If your doctor says it's so, it must be true. After all, he/she is part of the orthodox medical establishment, right?
And they know what's best for us, right?
This may come as a surprise but...
...the medical establishment has a long history of being wrong even though they present their OPINIONS as facts and "truth" based on "credible scientific evidence" and people that have opposing views and ideas face hostility and ridicule.
"I have yet to meet a single person from our culture, no matter what his or her educational background, IQ, and specific training, who had powerful transpersonal experiences and continues to subscribe to the materialistic monism of Western science."
- Albert Einstein
Here are a few "truths" based on "scientific evidence" that have been presented as "facts" by the medical establishment.
Before these "truths" where disproved, you would have been labeled a "quack" for offering an opposing position.
For example...
"There is no scientific evidence that food or other nutritional essentials are of any specific value in the control of cancer." - American Medical Association, 1949
And now....
"It appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements." - American Medical Association, 2002
* In the 19th century the death rate from what was know as childbed fever for women giving birth was extremely high. The medical establishment "believed" this was because of "bad air." Ignatz Semmeleis, a Hungarian doctor discovered that by simply having his staff wash their hands, the mortality rate from mothers giving birth in his own department fell from 18.3% to 1.3%. Upon eagerly attempting to share this good news, he was met with great hostility from his peers and after vigorous attempts to persuade the medical establishment of his findings, Semmeleis was committed to an insane asylum where was believed to have been beaten to death.
How many people died after that until it was eventually proven that sterile conditions help prevent infection?
* Dr. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. It took THIRTEEN years for the status quo of the medical establishment to change their "beliefs" and make penicillin available to the public.
How many people do you think died of bacterial infections like syphilis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and so on while the AMA got around to changing their "truth" about penicillin?
* The "belief" used to be that what you ate (diet) had no effect on whether you got sick. Today we know different.
* A few hundred years ago the "accepted" and "scientifically proven" cure for most disease was to have the doctor drain all of the blood out of your body (bloodletting). Thank goodness that medical establishment "truth" was debunked.
* My own tonsils where cut out when I was a kid because the prevailing "truth" and "scientific evidence" a the time was that this was "good" for me. Now the good doctors have changed their mind.
Here are a few more that involve the Life Extension Foundation (LEF).
* The heart healthy benefits of aspirin where released by the LEF in 1983. It took FOURTEEN years to convince the American Heart Association.
*LEF announced the anti-carcinogenetic properties of lycopene in 1985 and it took over a DECADE before the medical establishment to widely recognize it.
* Remember how we where told eating chocolate and oily foods gave you acne? Now new "medical research" suggests this is not true at all.
* The FDA has approved scores of drugs based on "credible medical science" only to have these very same drugs KILL thousands of people before they where taken of the market.
Every year over 100,000 people DIE from taking FDA approved drugs.
And we are supposed to trust these people with our health?
I'm sure it would not be difficult to find HUNDREDS of cases just like these. People dying needlessly because of "credible scientific evidence" produced by the medical industry.
BEWARE!! -- Having a diagnostic or medical procedure performed on you by the medical establishment is dangerous!!
In fact it is a LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in the U.S. and there is even a name for it, iatrogenic illness.
Not only does the medical industry have a long black history of providing misinformation but they go out of their way to SUPPRESS any kind of natural substance that may provide a cure.
Just why is it that the medical industry is so opposed to cheap readily available natural remedies?
Here's something else I've discovered...
The primary goal of the pharmaceutical companies is to make money "treating" diseases and NOT find a cure for them.
They fund and influence medical schools to teach young doctors how to diagnose symptoms of disease and which of their drugs to treat it with. In effect, doctors offices and hospitals are retail outlets for prescription drugs that often have profit margins of 1000% or more.
The pharmaceuticals BRIBE doctors with kick backs, exotic trips and other lavish gifts just to get them to prescribe their drugs to you when you make an office visit.
I know this is true first hand. When I was younger I worked for a special event company that was hired many times by a few of the big pharmaceutical companies to decorate lavish parties in exotic locations.
And when I say lavish, I'm talking about perks most people will never experience in a lifetime.
And just who was it that attended these lavish parties during their week long all expenses paid vacations at the top hotels in locations like Maui, Rome, New York and Cancun?
Yep you guessed it, DOCTORS.
In these cases MILLIONS where spent to influence the ( yours? ) doctors to put you on their drugs.
Drugs that are often hurriedly pushed through the approval process. Drugs that doctors are unfamiliar with except for the "education" they received on them from the pharmaceutical representatives.
Drugs that sometimes turn out to be killers, ending the lives of literally thousands of people before they are pulled back off the market. VIOXX is the latest example among many.
The sick part is there are no laws to prevent this type of thing from happening.
Speaking of laws, isn't our government there to protect us??
Now that is a joke.
"The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day." - Herbert Lay, M.D., former FDA Commissioner
I'm not going to start FDA bashing but you do not have to dig very deep to see where their loyalties rest, and it is not with you.
After all, the salaries of a huge number of FDA employees are funded by, yep you guessed it, the very same pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to be overseeing.
There are many good sources you can check out to learn about this unholy relationship between the profit-seeking pharmaceutical companies and the FDA. Just two two of the top of my head are:
Prescription for Disaster (DVD) by Gary Null
Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About by Kevin Trudeau
If you take prescription drugs I highly recommend Gary Null's DVD. It's well documented by people who have worked or still work in the industry talking about stuff that should make every single American mad as hell.
There is staggering amounts of profit in selling prescription drugs and the drug companies do NOT want competition from any natural remedy that they cannot patent and make money from.
This is why there is a constant push to regulate or ban natural substances. The FDA has went as far as to make into law the statement:
Only a DRUG can prevent or cure disease.
Do you understand that? If it is natural, according to law in America, it cannot prevent or cure any disease.
Only molecular concoctions brewed up by a pharmaceutical company can do that.
Today there is a huge push (CODEX) to regulate natural substances like vitamins and minerals simply because they are a competitive threat to the drug companies drugs that KILL more people EVERY YEAR than than natural substances have over the course of 50 years!
20-Year FDA veteran Dr. David Graham while giving testimony in front of Congress estimated that Vioxx® had caused 88,000 to 139,000 instances of heart attack and stroke.
And that is just from one drug that was "FDA approved" based on "credible medical science."
If this is hard to believe I suggest you start proving it to yourself. The two resources above are a good place to start.
In my opinion you should not:
Hesitate to ask your doctor if he/she gets kickbacks from drug companies
Take any government agencies recommendation at face value
Take my advice at face value
The absolute best person to take charge of your health and fitness is you.
"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on"- Winston Churchill
On closing I'd just like to say that in today in corporate America the keyword is profits. If more people educated themselves on the benefits of healthful living, used natural products when needed to maintain health and wellness and even, god-forbid, learned how to use the power of their minds to prevent or cure illnesses, it would be disastrous for the drug companies, the medical establishment and all of the supporting companies that enjoy inflated profits on any product or services that assist in treating your illness and disease.
Next time you go to the pharmacy to pick up your prescription drugs, think about the profit margin involved. Even if you have insurance, someone (including YOU in the long run) is paying the medical establishment handsome profits off of your being sick.

This graph was taken from this great article at the Life Extension Foundation.
The point I'm trying to make is that if you are seeking optimal health and fitness you need to consider where you get your information.
I don't think all doctors are bad. Quite the contrary I think there are many forward-thinking M.D.'s that are open to new possibilities and are not afraid to challenge the current paradigm.
I have learned much of what's on this site from books written by doctors.
But unfortunately I believe the "good" doctors are a minority and if past is in any way indicative of future, it could take twenty years for the medical establishment to catch up to the forward-thinking doctors of today.
This site has what some may consider controversial views about health, fitness and longevity which is why I reiterate...
Through my own experiences, I believe what I present on my site to be truth. I am wildly fascinated with the material I present here and it continues to enhance the quality of my life.
It is my BELIEF and my OPINION that it can greatly enhance your life as well.
All I ask is that you consider it, question it and then entertain the possibility of accepting it.
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. It is fearlessness, and it is love. -- Buddha
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." -Galileo Galilei