Monday, August 28, 2006
Understanding the ups and downs of life

There I was jamming through life feeling good and having a great time.

I'm sure you can relate.

Things just go your way, business is great, the sky is blue and all the lights are green as you cruise through life feeling on top of the world.

Then it happens.

Out of nowhere the wrecking ball of reality crashes into your castle sending you plummeting back down to earth hitting the ground with a deafening thud.

Why does this always happen to me? ....and just when I'm thinkin' life sucks and I generally feel like crap and want to scream at the top of my lungs or cuss out the rude driver in front of me, the beauty of "quantum thinking" comes into play.

All it takes is one single thought to interrupt any disempowering feelings and/or thoughts you may have to put the good times back on track again.

I know, here I go thinking about “thoughts” again.

People sometimes ask why I always talk about etheric, mystical new age stuff on a health and fitness site and I always say that understanding our very nature and the laws that govern energy are the single most important thing we can to achieve optimal levels of health and fitness.

You wouldn't jump into a plane and try to fly across country without understanding the physical laws that affect aerodynamics but yet people try to go through life without ever attempting to understand some of the most fundamental laws that govern energy of which is 100% what we are!

Our dominate thoughts create the emotions we experience which determine the rate at which we resonate with the world ultimately dictating, without fail, our degree of health and the quality of life we live.

Unfortunately most people have it backwards; they are always looking some quick-fix outside of their own thinking to get to the place they think they want to go.

They want to loose this, so they take that drug. They want to look like him so they buy his sports supplements or they want her thighs so the answer must be in the cool machine she sells on TV.

Last month I read somewhere that there are now more fat people on the planet then starving skinny ones.

It's obvious that the conventional approach to diet and exercise does not work.

Once people understand, I mean really sit down and come to the realization that they are actually a big blob of vibrating energy and then look to the laws that govern energy, why things happen in life start to make complete sense.

It really isn't as hard as some would have us believe.

Anyway back to my bad day.

We've all heard the old sayings like "things always get better" and "life just has its ups and downs" but how true are those adages? To what degree, if any, can we rely on this wisdom?

Next time you're having a bad day, consider what powerful forces may be playing a part in it and take comfort in knowing that things really are going to get better.

1) Einstein's famous theory of relativity in a nutshell says that we only know one thing by our ability to compare it to something else.

We have bad days because if we didn't, how would we even know what a good day was?

If you knew no bad days, it would be impossible to know what a good day was. We need the bad days to remind us how those good days feel.

2) The Law of Polarity- This law basically says that for a thing to even exist, so must its opposite. In fact, there is really no separate "this" and "that" rather varying degrees of the very same thing.

So, in other words wherever you are that may not feel good at the moment, understand that the exact opposite of that place is much closer than you may think.

Often that place is as close as a smile away.

3) The Law of Rhythm. Life is really all about change, a cosmic energy dance that starts at the most minute levels and repeats over and over again up to the incredibly huge celestial cycles and on and on.

You can see these cycles all around, the seasons, tides, financial markets and even our moods.

There is no escaping it. Things go good for awhile and then not so good.

Good days and bad that is just the way it is….it’s a law.

This means thank goodness that if times are bad, good things are on the way. It’s the law.

Conscience awareness of this will keep the cyclic ride smoother and more toward the top of the wave crests...'s the law :o)
