Welcome to life in The Zero Point Field
There is a field of energy that flows through the universe
It flows through us and everyone in the world is connected by it.
To the extent that you can understand and engineer your life around this fact may determine whether you live a life of happiness, abundance and health or one of despair, poverty and sickness.
This entire site is based on the fact that we are all energy and we all live inside this giant universal energy web known as the zero point field.
The Chinese have known about this energy for thousands of years and western science has been studying it for just over one hundred.
There are actually countless types of energy fields behaving in different fashions that make up the universal "energy soup" that we exist in but science believes that it is in fact the Zero-Point Field(also referred to as zero point energy ) that surrounds, flows through and holds it all together like a giant web.
Because we are made up of and live is a universal sea of energy and because there are known fundamental laws that guide energy and because modern science is starting to explain what ancient civilizations have knew all along, there is little doubt that humankind is on the threshold of the next evolution of consciousness.
Because we are energy and energy adheres to certain fundamental laws, once we understand this, everything about life becomes easier to explain and having whatever we want becomes within our grasp.
Every second of every day about five trillion neutrinos (one of the smallest sub-atomic "things" we are currently aware of) flow through every square inch of your physical body exchanging information between the universe and your energetic body.
Not only are you connected to the world around you but you are actually exchanging information at varying degrees with it. If it is hard to believe information can be carried via energy waves that you cannot even see all you have to do is turn on your satellite TV, listen to the radio or make a call on your cell phone.
Energy waves encoded with information are flowing all around us all the time.
The degree and the manner in which you, the observer experiencing this journey you call life, can "connect" to this field may have an impact on the quality of your "life."
Are considered lucky? Or do all the "breaks in life" seem to happen to others?
Do things always seem to go your way, or are you "fighting" your way through life?
Are you popular and well liked? Are you in love? Are you able to fall in love?
Do you find to easy to attract opportunities and wealth or do you live paycheck to paycheck trying to pay the bills?
Are you healthy?
Every condition present in your life was manifested by the communication you have with this universal energy. The Zero Point Field may finally explain several mysteries like the Akashic Records.
This "playing field" is equal for all.
When you start looking at your life through an energetic sense and add in the existence of the Zero-Point Field, amazing things can happen. The answers to "why" things happen the way they

do start to fall into place.
Kahunka approaches health and fitness from the standpoint that we all energetic beings living in a sea of quantum fields all held together so to speak by one giant web, the Zero-Point Field.
Much of my understanding of the Zero-Point Field comes from the book,
The Field, by Lynne McTaggart.This easily read book is stuffed full of documented scientific references that explains not only the Zero-Point Field but how humans fit into the equation.
Michael :o)