Quantum Approach to Renewing Your Body
There is a practical energy exercise I use when running on the beach to strengthen my chi.
This tool is more for people who already know what chi is, what the chakras and energy meridians in our body do and understand the power of visualization.
It works like this...

Your body has many energy centers known as chakras but there are seven major ones. The one we will use for this exercise is called Manipura. The blue star just below my navel is the approximate location of this chakra.
Other names for this area are the womb chakra, navel chakra, creativity chakra and in Chinese Taoist tradition this area is known as the Dantien.
If you have read other articles on Quantum Health and Fitness you will know that your body is not a fixed solid object. It is a collection of light energy that is constantly exchanging energy with your environment.
By labeling and tracking atoms with radioactive material, science has proven that every atom that you are constructed of today is different then the ones that made you up just three years ago!
Your skin is renewed about every month, your liver in about six weeks and so on.
When I run on the beach, every time I breathe in through my nose I visualize pure chi ( life energy ) flowing into my body and accumulating in my Dantien. Chakras are energy centers that spin like wheels distributing the energy throughout your body via your energy meridian system.
When I breathe out through my mouth I visualize all of the diseased, sick, decayed and old particles in my body being expelled.
Breathe in the clean pure glistening liquid-like silver-blue healing energy and add it to your Dantien, Your Dantien spins and distributes the chi energy throughout your body expelling all the garbage.
While you do this think about how you are cleansing your body and breathing in new life into it.
You do not have to be running to do this.
Using this technique anytime can be of benefit especially when you are practicing deep healthy breathing techniques of which we will be talking about in later articles.
Michael :o)